Monday, July 16, 2007

Week 7, Thing 16: Learn about Wikis

+O.k., so I just looked at the BookLover's Wiki for Princeton Public Library. What a good idea - for their summer reading program, they have those who register contribute book reviews for their wiki. Brilliant! Just the shear notion of getting to write their own review and post it on a wiki would get a lot of people pumped about reading. Plus, it's a way for the customers to feel that they are a visible part of their library. Great idea!

+And I just checked out the ALA 2006 New Orleans wiki. Again, great idea. If you're promoting an event, why not use a wiki. It's accessable to anyone and it's easily up-dated for accuracy. Plus, after the event is over, people can post their experiences on the wiki as well. Wow, great way to get out there with a new tool and reach a large number of people at once.

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